The importance of lubricant in mechanical equipment

Clash generate heat during the operation of mechanical equipment, which can lead to increase wear and damage without the protection of lubricate oil. The main function of lubricate oil is to form a lubricate movie between mechanical parts, reduction clash and wear, widen the service life of equipment, and economy care costs. exploitation lubricant can better the efficiency of mechanical equipment by reduction frictional resistance between parts, devising equipment operate more smoothly. energy consumption can be reduce by More than 10 % with the use of lubricant, harmonize to statistics, thus economy energy resources.

lubricate oil will age over time and produce harmful substance, which can pollute the environment if not replace promptly. Regularly replacement lubricate oil is crucial, and choose high-quality lubricant can minimize the production of harmful substance, thus protect the environment. The importance of lubricant in mechanical equipment lie in their ability to reduce wear, widen service life, better work efficiency, decrease energy consumption, and precaution the environment. It is necessity to replace lubricate oil regularly and choose for high-quality merchandise to protect equipment, widen its life, and lend to environmental conservation.

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Post time: Aug-30-2023